It all started in Fairfield
The Work Continues
Where to find Doug next?
What is happening in Tennessee today is truly frightening. Where are Tennessee’s business leaders? Where are the… https://t.co/esrlhlDLp8
Great to be with @thetonymichales and @iamgabesanchez on their podcast this afternoon. You heard me say it before… https://t.co/7w2Aa6THdN
And so many other states are watching! Congrats Wisconsin! https://t.co/3Nrpy91hIi
I’ve been on the road literally all day and not really had a chance to digest all of the Trump saga that played out… https://t.co/2jU0lfyb24
Folks, this is the kind of crap that happens when the GOP controls the state for so long that they believe they are… https://t.co/BEj8NceeKF
Read the Story
“This book describes the painful sacrifice that was required, and may be called for again, for us to move toward true democracy in America. Facing the truth of our dark past with honesty and humility is the only way this nation can heal these deep wounds. But knowing the truth Jones shares in this book can set this nation free to earnestly build a more perfect union.”
—Rep. John Lewis